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Managing Agents
Managing Agents

Managing Agents

Unfortunately, Managing Agents have developed a very poor reputation in the residential property industry. Just check the media for a recent surge in focus on overcharging, poor responsiveness and lack of service execution for evidence.

Thanks to a small number of large, unscrupulous Managing Agents, the small, local, responsive Managing Agents have been tarred with the same brush.

But there are some really good Managing Agents out there!

The Challenges that Managing Agents Face

  • Residents perceive Managing Agents as the enemy. In some cases, that might be the right way to look at them, but for the good ones out there, it becomes a challenge to overcome.

What Can Residents First Do for Managing Agents?

  • We can introduce the good Managing Agents to new local sites looking to engage with transparent, fair and engaging Managiung Agents.
  • We can help the less good Managing Agents evolve to meet the new challenges ahead.

Does your Managing Agent need help in maintaining or changing to meet the new challenges ahead? If this makes some sense to you, then why not get in contact with us?

Do you need help understanding how a managed estate works? Or to reclaim Service Charges incurred prior to handover? Or to secure control of your site?


Find out about the updates we will be providing to this site.

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