LATEST: You can now submit an enquiry/order online through our Services page.
Our Clients
Our Clients

Our Clients

We are already supporting a significant number of sites and residents, primarily in the south of England.

We are currently supporting over 40 sites, 68 blocks and 11,500 residents. That’s not bad for the first 3 months!

But we don’t want to stop there! We want to spread the good news that the grass is indeed greener on the other side of the road.

So if you want to join the movement, get in contact with us.

A list of clients currently being supported by Residents First can be found below:

Do you need help understanding how a managed estate works? Or to reclaim Service Charges incurred prior to handover? Or to secure control of your site?

Our Partners

Want to know where our partners are located around the UK?

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